Friday, June 26, 2009
Taylor Hicks Times
I know it has been so long since I have written a blog. The reason being is because I have been working on a special project. First let me back up a bit. As most of you know, some of The Real Dealer's (name given for members of The Real Deal Forum). Went to see Taylor perform "Teen Angel" in Chicago. Then we were lucky enough to have a meet and greet after the show. It was there that I told Taylor about my many Taylor Hicks sites that I have created. One being The Taylor Hicks Times. A fan site listing I made back when he first won American Idol. After mentioning this to him he seemed happy enough and said for me to keep it up.
Well, naturally after telling Taylor about The Times, I wanted to update the site. I wanted to try and venture into an area that I had never done before. Flash animation and java scripting. This is what most of the "great" sites are using these days.
From this point on, I have had my nose buried into the computer trying to learn java and create flash. It has been a long time since I started this project. However, now I am happy to say I have finally finished. I am proud of this site and want to share it with all of the Taylor Hicks fans out there.
So what is this site about anyway?
The Taylor Hicks Times is packed filled with over fifty links to the world of Taylor Hicks on the internet. Links to photo's, blogs, websites, forums, video's. You name it if it is about Taylor and it can be found on the internet. It is there! If there is a good site not listed, there is also a link where you can email me a site link for review. There is also a news ticker for updates on the latest Tay news.
I will be updating all my sites soon. I wanted to update The Taylor Hicks Times first. Because for me, it shows that Taylor is alive and well and very much active. I am sure if your a fan you to are tired of hearing "Taylor Hicks who"? Or what ever happened to him. So now there is a site to show just exactly what IS happening with Taylor and the love his fans have for him. So, grab a drink and relax. Then head on over to:
With Much Tay Love
It has come to my attention that some fans are having a hard time accessing the site using my .org link. With that said I am posting my alternet link in hopes that this will help solve the problem.
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Chicago Adventure
As Promised.. My re-cap (more like a novel) I can truly say this is my Chicago "Adventure" because, adventure seems to be the only appropriate way to describe what I went through.
It all started with a road trip to Ohio with my partner Debbie. A trip we long needed for time together. From there I would meet up with my friends Chianna "Tygrlillie" and Connie, aka "Browneyes" My nerves were shot in anticipation of meeting the faces of many nick names I have never seen. As well as the obvious of knowing I was only a day away from meeting the man that I have so admired since his American Idol win in 2006. Tygrlillie "Tyggy" for short, and Connie were supposed to arrive in Ohio by six thirty P.M.. However it wasn't until 1 A.M. that I finally got a phone call that they were now in the city and state where I had been waiting for them. Debbie and I told them to pull over somewhere and stay put. Then we would come to them. Finally we saw the flashing lights of Connie's car. Debbie was the first one to get out and approach them. I was so excited I believe I almost knocked Debbie over as I pushed her out of the way to give Tyggy a hug. I bent down a little to wave to Connie. As I did I could tell both of them had been driven long past exhaustion. We all agreed that we should head back to our friend's house (Joan-Marie) where we could take a quick "Cat-Nap" before the next road trip to Chicago. Where we would meet up with the rest of our party. Debbie would stay back and visit with Joan-Marie, until we would meet back up with her when our trip to Chicago was over.
By now I am sure most of you are aware that Taylor Hicks is playing "Teen angel" In grease. The show was appearing In Chicago and that is the reason for this adventure. What you might not know is that we all had a pass to meet him back stage after the show. (Most of us have never met him).
When we got back to Joan-Maries, we all went to lay down. I felt no sooner did my eyes finally shut, then I hear the sound of Tyggy saying.. Jodie it is time to wake up! (Wake up? I just fell asleep). .. Okay off for the next part of my adventure!
It was a nice trip to Chicago. Myself, Tyggy, and Connie all caught up and got to know each other better. I must say if it were not for those two and the love and determination of my partner. This trip of a life time never would have transpired. Upon reaching Chicago I will admit, I was truly amazed at the structure of all the buildings. Being from Boston Ma. I didn't think any city could impress me as much as this one did. It was a beautiful city, if one can appreciate architecture the way this city showed it off. By now we were all feeling drained, as for myself. I knew I was coming down with a bad case of the stomach flu. Not a good thing to have on a road trip!
We finally made it through the narrowing ascending parking garage, and headed for our hotel room. We were staying at the Marriott. To which I have stayed in them before. However this one, yet again. Amazed me. It was complete with bell hops, and "Carlton" the doorman. It was already becoming surreal to me and had still yet a long time to have it all sink in. When we made our way to our room, I finally got to meet some of the faces of the nick names that bounced in and out of my forum "The real deal". These people were not just members, they all had long become my true friends. Friends that I could count on in good and bad. Strange knowing this was the first time we ever met. Because I felt as though I had known them all my life! First I met Penny, aka Taysladybug. Then peeking through the crowd I found Denise, aka DeniB. DeniB and I had long discovered we were two peas in a pod! It was wonderful and truly thrilling. Then I was introduced to some of the people that Connie had brought with her. There was Sharie, Connie's daughter in law. Only in her twenty's yet one would think she had lived much longer then that. Her life adventures alone showed how much she had been through. She was formally in the army and seemed to have everything jotted down on paper and in her head. She liked her ducks lined up in a row! She turned out to be very funny and helped me relax that all was going to be well. Then Renee said hello. Her nick name is naynaystay. She seemed shy at first, however I noticed when she had something to say her shyness went away. Next up was Lindsay, Connie's daughter and then her best friend Caitlin. There were nine of us in all. I could already tell Taylor was going to have his hands full with us. Later that would prove to be right!
By now I was already feeling the effects of being on the road to much with little sleep. As well as being sick. To top it all off my nerves suddenly realized this was all coming true and in just a few
hours I would get to see the theater production of a movie I had long loved, then to understand the man I had written so many blogs about. Created so many websites about.. the man of many a graphic I had created. Would soon be in my full view.. able to see and touch (although we all know I had to tone down on that thought) . I needed rest badly, before approaching this next adventure. . Finally, my eyes closed and I was off to sleep. I was so tired that I don't even remember actually falling asleep. I just remember waking up, knowing it was time to get ready for the biggest round of the adventure. After being in a car so long and just freshly waking up, I needed a shower badly. I needed to wake my senses up, so as not to make a fool of myself with Taylor.
I was in the bathroom pre paring my shower. When I heard Penny say she needed to go. So I politely opened the door and offered her to use the bathroom before I took my shower. Well to my surprise.. she not only used the bathroom to go pee, she also was using the shower. (I did say thank-you for taking my shower for me)When she was done I finally took mine and got myself as foo-fooed as reality allowed.
Were finally off!!! Here we go I thought. The time has come.. (whew). I don't think I was mentally ready for all this but.. I was going through with it anyway. I had to!
Were Hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Penny n front of the theater. Thanks Penns for the pictures!
This is me in front of the theater. I think I am hiding my nerves well. Do you??

We were shown our seats and I do remember, one of the ushers making a comment to Sheri, who was wearing a very well fitting dress and a smile to light up the nation. She's a cute young woman and this usher noticed! he told her to just smile and she could get anything she wanted. All in all a harmless comment. However it made me realize how young I am Not... and that to be noticed I should stick with her!As soon as we were all seated, the curtains opened up. The cast DJ, began priming the audience with jokes and laughter. I have never seen a Broadway production other then "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". Which is far beyond the realms of anything ones mind can consume all in one sitting. So seeing grease was truly an amazement all in itself. The show was absolutely incredible. I do suggest that even if your not a Taylor Hicks fan (shudder) the show is a must see! I was happy to notice the words of "Grease Lightning" were changed to be appropriate for the younger viewing audience. The cast that was chosen for this production was well fit.. The whole show had me memorized from start to finish. However, when the curtains opened for yet another scene and we Taylor fans finally got to see what we were all preparing for. The ICE CREAM CONE! I think we all became silent ( a miracle in itself since we were all
hopping around and singing just a minute ago.). It was surely one of the longest ten minutes of my life! We all knew that in that cone was the man, and the music of Taylor Hicks. When that cone finally opened, my mind was still having a hard time computing that this was all real. That Taylor was in deed only a few feet away from all of us. Dressed in a very tight and ever so appealing Teen angel costume! Singing beautiy school drop out with that magical voice we have
all grown to love. Then he did the unthinkable, for all of us twitter patted fans.. he did something that made our jaws drop and our hearts sink. He turned his body around and swayed his butt from side to side. For those of us in Taylor Land.. even the biggest thud pillow would not have done any good. This man sure knows just how to get his fans a whooping and hopping. As Taylor continued in song, I had a fleeting moment to stand up and give him the I love you sign. To show my support. As I looked back. I realize now, I was the only one not only standing but standing out as well. It was not long after I sat down that I heard Penny yell out "We love you Taylor".Which allowed me understand I was not the only one loosing my composure over this man. As the song went on, and I thought the scene was over, I stood up and applauded. Only to be yanked down by Shari who thankfully informed me that giving one particular cast member an ovation was in fact rude to the other cast members. OOpsi.. my bad. My inexperience was
showing. At one point I leaned back over to Shari and asked her if we could now stand. She told me to watch the lights.. when they dim we can stand. Okay cool I thought. Then we both went.. one.. two.. three and stood up and clapped.. only to see the lights shine again and we promptly sat down and gave up. We all watched the rest of the performance still trying to absorb it all and take it all in. When the lights shone for the last time and they all broke out in hand jive and there was Taylor again doing his "Thing". His harp playing was as always mesmerizing to the point I often thought of the pied piper when referring to it. As amazing as the show was, we all knew when
the curtains closed, it was yet again time to prepare ourselves for the highlight of the night. Meeting Taylor. We were all nervous beyond words. Although out of all nine of us, I believe Tyggy, was the most petrified of all. I was pre warned through Penny that Tyggy was having the hardest time trying to get up the nerve to meet Taylor. By this time, we were alreadyapproached by a young woman that Taylor was ready to meet us and that the cast had to be out of the building by a certain time so we needed to hurry up. We all gathered and collected our nerves up off the floor and did our very best to put them where they belonged. As the young woman, ( I assume some sort of security) guided us to where we needed to be, I looked over at Deni, and started singing were going to meet Taylor and began doing The Real Deal Forum's "Happy Dance". Of course she started doing it with me and I am sure everyone thought we were nuts..
although we didn't seem to care at this point. We all gathered in one room as the young woman was standing by a doorway. I was trying my best to lighten the mood as everyone talked about how nervous they were. I started singing a song from the musical Jesus Christ superstar. The verse? "he's just a man... and I've ( which I changed to you) have had so many men before". Well everyone laughed but Penny, she blurted out with "He's not a man, he is a God" well... that went well I thought. I then asked the young woman what door Tay would come in. She pointed to the door I was standing next to. Well, I said, I am not going to be the first to greet him NO WAY! Umm let me tell you now that Taylor did walk through that door and everyone froze! he looked around like "Okay...?? anyone going to say hi?" So I cautiously approached him and said " Hi Taylor, I am Jodie" as I reached out my hand and shook his. It was not even a second after I broke the ice that everyone came up to him. First was Penny, she knew Tyggy was scared and started telling Taylor Tyggy's story, probably with a little more enthusiasm then she should have. because Taylor looked very confused I touched his shoulder and tried to let him know that even though we all seemed crazy that we were in fact safe. I just said, It's okay Taylor she is safe, just scared. (Although I was trying to relax Taylor I also knew, he didn't even know I was safe!). Taylor being the gentleman that he is. Just replied "Scared of me? Why are you scared of me?"
My Jote Note- Taylor hello duh??? your beautiful, Talented and a southern gentleman.. I have no idea why were nervous.. End jot note. Anyway, Tyggy did get the gumption to tell him a story about her daughter who wanted piano lesions from Taylor's former band mate and still friend Brian. In the end Tyggy's daughter decided that she had to propose to Taylor in order to get Brain to give them to her. OH MY I thought as Tyggy was telling the story.. Deni and myself had to look away and try to keep from laughing.. knowing that this is the first time Tyggy meets Tay and she had to ask him to marry her. Again, I looked at Taylor and we locked eyes. I told him this was only a joke and not to worry. Again knowing he had no reason to believe someone he has never met. So a very confused Taylor did his best to keep himself composed and try to take it all in and when Tyggy finally said "So Taylor will you marry me" Taylor handled it well and replied with " Of course I will.. (pause) NOT.. ahh Tay such a class act you are for sure. You made a fan feel ten feet tall even though you were probably feeling 10 inches small.
"The Real Deal". At first he said no I don't think I have heard of it. Then he thought for a moment and said wait, yeah I think I have. When his first reply was no.. my heart sank and I looked at my friends and said "see I told you". So even a " I think I have" felt better then a no. I then proceeded to ask "have you ever heard of DreamHrt?" again my heart sank as I prepared for a no. To my surprise while he was still signing stuff, he looked right at me and said.. yes
I have heard of DreamHrt.. OH MY GOD.. I wanted to just reach out and give him the biggest hug.. however I knew I had to keep my composure again and I smiled the biggest smile I have in years and did a curtsy and said "Well. I am DreamHrt". Little did I know, after he said he knew of my nickname... Deni was smiling and pointing to me behind my back (thanks for that). After that I was on cloud nine.. ten and eleven. Yes a reality check is in order here. I know that does
not mean he knows me, likes me or cares about me.. however it does mean he knows about a fan named DreamHrt and now he knows who she is. That was all this fan really needed. Just to know that all my hard work did in fact get to him some how some way and he knew of the nick.
ok.. it was time for pictures!!! Everyone was taking single shots with Taylor first....
Penny is a brave sole and actually was able to cuddle with him.

Tyggy looks at one camera and Tay looks at another.
Taylor had a thing about looking at the wrong camera because here he is with me doing it again. I remember I was the last one to get a solo shot. Tay was moving around as usual and I had stopped him and said hey what about me? He laughed and said oh you want one two? I said, well yeah I am a forum owner of course I do!
Then again with Connie
Although he did get it right with Deni
As I stood in the middle of the room I heard Taylor say, " how about a group shot?" I then looked around and I was instantly standing alone.. umm okay, I looked at Taylor and said, well I am short ill stand in front of you.
All 9 of us with Taylor 1st row left to right Caitlin & Lindsay {Lindsay is connie's daughter Caitlin is her Best friend} 2nd row Renee, Jodie Sharri Connie Back row Denise, Taylor Hicks Penney & Chiana That is me holding up the I love you sign. Now mind you in-between shots I had looked up (not hard to do) at Taylor and asked him in a smart alic way.
Now are you really smiling or giving us your "Cheesy grin"? He laughed and said no I am smiling. I wanted to ask him if he ever got lock jaw... but the camera's were back to flashing again.
Then we were all trying to give each other some space to chat with him. Deni and I were walking away from Sharie and Taylor when we over heard Sharie telling Tay she was from Alabama and told him the town. I heard Taylor say he knew of the town. I couldn't help it. I blurted out again being a smart alic... Imagine that Taylor, you know of a town in Alabama. We all laughed as we walked away. As you can tell, were all very happy.
As everyone else was getting what little time they could into chatting with Taylor. I was going through my pictures on my
phone and saw that NONE of them came out. They were all to dark. I noticed the hallway there was well lit. As Taylor was heading to leave, I touched his shoulder to get his attention and asked him if we could take one more picture in
the hallway. He said "Sure" in his southern drawl. I smiled and told him he truly is a southern man. Taylor put his arm around my waist as I was fumbling with my phone to get it to where the security guard could just point and click and what happens??? I get a text message.. to which I said out loud, Umm I have Taylor's arm around me right now and I am a little busy... that got Taylor to laugh as well as his security The whole time I was messing with my phone Taylor kept his arm around me and then I realized it was around my waist,
so I just slid my arm in back of his and laid it on his waist. Now mind you, I am sure Taylor had no clue his arm was around my waist for that long.. however this HicksChick sure as heck did! I finally got my picture and said good-bye to Taylor. The picture still came out bad, but I will show it to you anyway....
readers... Support Modern Whomp and The Real Deal and Keep The Jive Alive!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A New Year will bring forth happiness for many Taylor Hicks fans
First we still have the Grease Tour! As most of the world knows by now. Taylor is playing the role of "Teen Angel". As a teenager myself, when Grease first hit the theaters. I could not get enough of it. At one point in time. I do remember my Mom getting upset with me because I wanted to stay to see it just one more time. Of course it was very late at that time and she wanted me to come home. However my "grease" calling was far to strong and I stayed to watch the movie anyway. (such a bad girl). Now as an adult I of course bought the DVD. By now I know every song by heart and can do the hand jive. With all that in mind. Knowing that I adore Taylor, I always thought it would be wonderful to be able to see the two together. A dream I never thought possible. Until I got a phone call from a wonderful friend of mine. She told me that a few of my friends had gotten together and were making it possible for this dream to come true. With the help of my partner all the puzzle pieces were fitting together. So now, I will be on my way to see the musical I love and meet the man that I have admired since his 2006 win on American Idol. You see, I was never able to go to any of his concerts. Because I fell ill at the time. I really thought my dreams of seeing him perform, let alone meeting him in person. Had been washed away.
So yes, this graphic designer want to be. Will be meeting old friends for the first time, and finally getting to meet Taylor personally. Now that is what I call a great start to a New Year!
On March 10th, we fans have a new Taylor Hicks CD to look forward to. I for one am in so much anticipation of what this CD will bring I could burst. I am excited because I know this is Taylor's first CD with his own creativity embossed on it. No Idol bosses telling him how it has to be. Only
Taylor saying how it is going to be. As excited as I am. You know I had to do some art work to
promote it. I hope you enjoy them and make good use of them. They are free to plaster where ever you can.
(Please click on photo to enlarge)
There you have it folks! You can bet that when I get back from Chicago. I
will have a full re cap! Until then..
Keep The Jive Alive and Support Modern Whomp!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Taylor Hicks- Will be going "The Distance"
The name of his new CD. "The Distance". I personally feel this new CD. Will have the true makings of who Taylor is as an artist. I will be anxiously awaiting just what he has had in store of us fans. For this time, not only does Taylor have a little bit more money to produce exactly just what his creative mind is thinking, he also has full control on how it's made. How is that for a gem?
Here is a great video of Taylor talking about the new CD.
Here are a few blogs on the subject
Taylor Made on-line blog
Taylor's Poetic Heart
Now for my contribution:

If you enjoy Taylor Hicks wallpapers. Then check out my photo album...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A thought about forums
I know it has been awhile since I have posted. Let's just say my life has been very busy. A friend of mine runs a Peter and Gordon fan site and I have been helping her with it. For those of you who don't know who they are, or do and want to know more. Please visit:
Now, I would like to take the time to discuss the topic of Taylor Hicks
forums. As most of you know. Taylor Made Soul, one of the largest and well known forums. Is closing it's doors. This is the second forum I have seen go down in recent months. I know there are still many out there for you to choose from. I have many sites listed on my other site. The Taylor Hicks Times.
With this in mind, I often wonder why people feel the need to choose one forum over another. Oh if I go to this forum I must stay away from any other one or I will be unfaithful. I am sorry but were all adults I believe or would like to think. So why is it we have to play the games of children?
It is because of my graphics that many people know me. Not because of my forum.
Most (not all) forums I have visited, have deleted any posts or comments I have made in regards to The Real Deal. Why? Because it is another forum and not the one I was visiting.. shame on me! For letting others know about another Taylor fan site! There are many who have commented on what a good forum it is, however they do not return. Why? They have often told me it is because they call "such or so" forum "home" and feel no need to venture out. Please people... venture , it might do you some good to make new friends!!!
I will tell you this about my forum. It is a free speech forum. The only rule to that is, your opinion must be stated in good taste and do no harm to others. Because I refuse to turn my forum into a battle ground. I do not take
sides. Just because someone is a friend of mine, does NOT mean I wont kick there
butts out if there not following the rules.
To be a forum owner is not an easy task. Especially if you design the graphics and the layout yourself. So to only see a handful of people posting, only to find out its because they don't want to get in trouble with another forum owner.. is just plain absurd!
If you decide you want to stray a little and try to make new friends.. then try my forum. There is no rule there that states you only visit my forum only or you will be banned....If you don't go to my forum. Then let me know why. ideas are always helpful!
Ok with that out of the way... here is my latest graphic!
Click on photo to see full size